祈りの場の紹介   Introduction of the place of the prayer


The place of prayer in Kurikara has a long history and culture that attracts people to the area. According to town statistics, as many as 100,000 people visit Kurikara each year. Representative of these places of prayer are Kurikara-Fudo Temple (the main hall at the top of the mountain and the Nishinobo Phoenix Hall), which is one of the three major Buddhist temples in Japan. If you go to the Toyama Prefecture side, you will find Haniu Gokoku Hachimangu Shrine, and along the historical road, there are 33 statues of Kannon. There are also many monuments scattered around the site of the battle. This homepage provides information on these fascinating Kurikara, and offers a walk through Kurikara that is reminiscent of “peace of mind and happiness”.


倶利迦羅不動寺 : 西之坊鳳凰殿 ”Kurikara Fudo Temple : Nishinobo Phoenix Hall “