6-1 旧倶利伽羅村の歴史 History of old Kurikara village

(1)1889年(明治22年)4月1日- 町村制施行によ、倶利伽羅村・山森村・河内村・坂戸村・刈安村・


(2)1909年(明治42年)6月15日 – 倶利伽羅信号所(1908年(明治41年)

   12月16日設置)が駅に昇格し、倶利伽羅駅を開業した。(3)1957年(昭和32年)2月1日 – 津幡町に編入される。





(1) April 1, 1889 – Kurikara Village was formed from the areas of Kurikara Village, Yamamori Village,Kawachi village,sakado village,kariyasu village,Tomita Village, Hara Village and Takehashi Village.
(2) June 15, 1909 – The Kurikara Signal Station (established on December 16, 1908) was upgraded to a station and opened as kurikara Station.
(3) February 1, 1957 – Kurikara village was incorporated into Tsubata Town.
(4) November 1990 – The National Route 8 Kurikara Bypass was opened for use.

At the time, Kurikara Village was in the commercial zone of Isurugi Town (now part of Oyabe City), which was just over the pass to the east, and the merger was delayed due to strong opposition within the village.  In the end, however, the village was incorporated into Tsubata Town based on the recommendation of the then governor of Ishikawa Prefecture.

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