2 源平倶利伽羅峠の戦い Kurikara Genpei War

<倶利伽羅峠の戦い> Fight of the competition between two teams(Genji and Heike) at Kurikara mountain pass


On May 11, 1183, there was the Kurikara Genpei War, which divided the rise and fall of the Minamoto and Heike clans.  Taira no Koremori , the commander-in-chief of the Heike army, had set up his main camp at Sarugababa in the Kurikara mountains and was waiting for the Genji army led by Kiso Yoshinaka with more than 70,000 cavalry.   On the other hand, Yoshinaka prayed for victory at Haniu Hachiman Shrine, then divided his troops into seven groups according to the movements of the Heike and waited for night to fall. At midnight, from the direction of Kurotani on the north side, they mounted torches on the horns of 400 to 500 cattle and rushed into the Heike camp with an army of over 40,000 cavalry. The 18,000-odd cavalry of the Heike army, exhausted from the daytime march, were confused by the surprise attack of the Minamoto army, and unable to do anything, they were cornered and thrown into Hell Valley, along with their horses and men.

①源平倶利伽羅峠の戦い 戦闘要図(寿永二年五月十一日) Battle outline drawing of necessary parts(1183)

②源平合戦慰霊の地 Place of competition between two teams battle memorial service (Genji and Heike)

③「火牛の計」立て看板 Standing signboard in the historic battleground said to be “Kagyunokei” which fought against an enemy by the tactics using the cow attached a torch to at the corner

④源平倶利伽羅合戦のモニュメント  Monument in the historic battleground trace called “Genpei-kurikara-kasen”

⑤矢合せの地 The historic battleground that was named “yaawasenochi”

⑥地獄谷が見える古道(歴史国道「北陸道」の反対の尾根にある) The ancient road where Hell Valley is seen(on the opposite ridge of history national road “Hokurikudou”

⑦森林に覆われた地獄谷  Hell Valley where it was covered by the forest

⑧倶利伽羅神社に保存されている「源平倶利伽羅合戦図屏風」(池田九華 作)  ”The figure of competition between two teams Kurikara battle screen(Genji and Heike)” which is stored by Kurikara Shrine (Kyuuka Ikeda product)

⑨地獄谷から発掘された蹄鉄  The horseshoe which was excavated from Hell Valley

⑩埴生八幡宮に残されている木曽義仲の祈願書  Prayer book of Yoshinaka Kiso left in Hanyuu-Hachiman shrine

⑪上記の祈願書の要旨  The point of the prayer book of the above

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