7 刈安・上野堂畑遺跡(縄文遺跡) KariyasuーUwano Doubatake remains (Jomon remains)





Ruins from the Jomon period have been discovered in a field commonly called “Doubatake” in the Kurikara district of Tsubata Town, from Ueno to Kariyasu. In 1905, when the field was reclaimed, many pieces of Jomon pottery, stone axes, stone arrowheads, stone sticks, and human bones were unearthed.  Later, in 1921, Fukui local historian Sanpei Ueda came to Ishikawa to conduct a survey of the area as a historical site, a place of scenic beauty, and a natural monument, and the following year, on April 24 and 25, 1922, the first field trial excavation was conducted in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Stone axe: A stone axe used as the blade of an axe, and can be either hammered or polished.  In Japan, it is found from the Paleolithic period to the Yayoi period.
Stone arrowhead: A stone tool used as an arrowhead.  In Japan, it is found in the Jomon and Yayoi periods.
Stone stick: A polished stone tool with a round bulge at one or both ends of a stick shape.  It is thought to have been used for rituals and ceremonies.      (From Tsubata Town Travel Guide)

①遺跡発掘品  Excavation product of remains

②発掘品の説明  Explanation of the excavation product

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