5 北アルプスと散居村の眺望 View of Northern Alps and Sankyoson



From Mt. kurikara, 276.73m above sea level, you can see a magnificent view of the mountains, including Ushi-dake to the north, and the Tateyama mountain range to the east and south, as well as the Yarigadake and Hodaka mountain ranges.  The Tonami Plain spreads out below, and you can see the scattered villages.  You can also see as far as the Sea of Japan.     From the website “Mount Kurikara

①倶利伽羅山から見える眺望 View to be able to see from the Mt. Kurikara

②砺波平野に点在する散居村と背景にくっきりと見える北アルプス  The Sankyoson which the Tonami plains are dotted with and the Northern Alps to see clearly in the background


③倶利伽羅山から見える北アルプスの山岳説明 The mountains explanation of the Northern Alps to see from Mt. Kurikara

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