1-3 道の駅 Roadside Station

<道の駅「倶利伽羅源平の郷」竹橋口、埴生口> Roadside Station “Kurikara Genpei-no-sato” (Takenohashi-Exit and Hanyu-Exit)



The roadside station “Kurikara Genpei no Sato” is located in the Takenohashi district of Kurikara, Tsubata Town, at the entrance to the Ishikawa side of the Hokuriku Road, a historical national road that straddles Ishikawa and Toyama Prefectures. In March 2000, the Takenohashi-guchi Station was opened as a rest stop for visitors to the Hokuriku Road, and the Hanyu-guchi Station is also located on the Oyabe City side. Inside the stations, you can learn about the history and culture of the Kurikara Pass through panels and videos. In 2004, the station was certified as a “Michi no Eki” (roadside station), and has become a resting place for drivers from within and outside the prefecture to take a break.

①道の駅 ”倶利伽羅源平の郷”「竹橋口」にある火牛像のモニュメント  Monument of the image of fire cow at Roadside Station “Kurikara Genpei-no-Sato (Takenohashi-Exit)”

②道の駅”倶利伽羅源平の郷”「埴生口」にある木曽義仲像のモニュメント Monument of the image of Yoshinaka Kiso at Roadside Station “Kurikara Genpei-Sato (Hanyu-Exit)” 

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1-2 芭蕉の句と万葉集