1-3 倶利迦羅不動寺 西之坊 鳳凰殿 Kurikara-FudoTemple Nishinobo Phoenix Hall

<倶利迦羅不動寺 鳳凰殿>


     As a part of the restoration project, the NIshinobo Phoenix Hall was built in October 1998. It is a magnificent building of Taiwan cypress that stretches 75 meters on both sides and has a solemn and elegant atmosphere, adopting the Shinden-zukuri style of architecture of the Heian period (794-1185). In the center is the main hall, where the Gohonzon, which is the same body as that of Kurikara-Fudoson, is enshrined, as well as the two children of Gozenritsu Fudoson, and where Goma is burned. On the right side is the prayer hall, where there is the Namikiri Fudoson, which is said to have saved Kobo-Daishi from a great storm when he was returning from Tang Dynasty China, because he prayed to the Fudoson. For this reason, it is also called the Traffic Safety Prayer Hall. The left side is called the Jodo-do Hall Hall, where the main deity is Amida Nyorai. The image of Amidannyorai Buddha in the National Treasure Amida Shoshu Mirai Zu (Future of Amitabha), a Japanese Buddhist painting, is an embodiment of the scene of various saints playing musical instruments and coming to welcome the departed, with Amitabha Buddha at the center. It is said that those who believe in Amida Buddha and chant his name will be reborn in the Pure Land of Paradise in the west after their life in this world is over, where they will hear the teachings of Buddha, attain satori, and attain Buddhahood.

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