3 龍ケ峰城跡公園 Ryugamine-Castle Site Park


Near the Kurikara Pass, there are many ruins of mountain castles known as the Kagetsu Border Castle Group. One of these castles, Ryugamine Castle, is said to have been occupied by Murakami Uemon.  The castle was attacked by Uesugi Kenshin in the first year of Tensho and fell, and was used as Kenshin’s main camp. Around the 11th year of Tensho, it is said to have been used by Sasa Narimasa’s side, and was later controlled by Maeda Toshiie.

①龍ケ峰城跡公園入口 Ryugamine-Castle Site Park entrance


②歴史国道「北陸道」から標高200m頂上に向けての階段  It is stairs for the 200m above sea level top from history national road “Hokurikudo”.

③龍ケ峰城跡の頂上付近 The neighborhood of top of the Ryugamine-Castle trace

④龍ケ峰城跡公園内に植樹された源平枝垂れ桃の木   Tree of Genpei-sidare-peach planted in Ryugamine-Castle Site Park

⑤津幡町ケーブルテレビに放送された番組の龍ケ峰城跡公園での撮影風景 Shooting scenery in Ryugamine-Castle Site Park of the program broadcasted for Tsubata-machi cable TV

⑥歴史国道「北陸道」沿いにある旧本多邸に新たに設置されたベンチでの撮影風景 Shooting scenery at the bench set up newly by the old Honda’s house along history national road “Hokurikudo”

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