4 倶利伽羅山の八重桜 Double cherry blossom of the Mt. Kurikara






Hanasaka Jiisan of the Showa (Showa Period)

   Every spring, approximately 6,000 double-flowered cherry trees bloom beautifully in the Kurikara Pass area.  This was started by Mr. Katsumi Takagi of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, who, together with his wife, has continued to plant these trees at his own expense since 1959.

    In 1934, Mr. Takagi and his car fell 30 meters down a cliff due to car trouble on the Kurikara Pass. The car was wrecked, but Mr. Takagi and his assistant were mysteriously unharmed.  Time passed, and in January 1959, Fudo Myoo stood by the bedside for three nights in a row and said, “Now Kurikara is deserted and lonely because people do not come to visit us.  I want you to do something to make it lively. Mr. Takagi realized that it was thanks to Fudo Myoo that he had once narrow escape from death in an accident, and as a way to repay his debt of gratitude, he began planting 10,000 cherry tree saplings on Mt.Kurikara , with a goal of planting 10,000 cherry trees, to make Mt. Kurikara like Mt. Yoshino in Kaetsu.  Since then, over the past 20 years, the planting of double-flowered cherry trees has continued, and today the cherry trees are carefully protected by the people who have inherited his intentions.

<From the “Historic National Highway Hokuriku Route” Highlights Guide Map“>


 ①八重桜並木 Double cherry blossom row of trees 

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